Bear Jaw Interagency Fire & Fuels

Bear Jaw Crew
The Bear Jaw Interagency Crew was developed to provide fire suppression & fuels reduction in the urban interface. Collaboration between local fire agencies have increased our capacity to deliver essential services within our boundaries and beyond. The Crew is supported by two Northern Arizona Fire Districts.
The Bear Jaw Crew responds to fire assignments nationwide, working an average of 90 days each fire season. Bear Jaw aims to keep its national availability for neighboring regions in need of assistance. In addition, the crew has completed fuels reduction on hundreds of acres within the Districts’ boundaries. Bear Jaw’s priorities include the following:
- Highlands Fire District
- Pinewood Fire District
- Develop and foster strategic partnerships with neighboring agencies.
- Look for ways to broaden our fuels work and funding efforts on District properties.
- Continue efforts in grant acquisition through Federal and State grant programs.
- Assist communities within our supporting Fire Districts to becoming recognized Firewise communities.
- Remain experts in wildland firefighting and continue training efforts with supporting and neighboring agencies.
- Promote quality employees and make them competitive for open positions on our crew and other agencies.
- Remain fiscally responsible in maintaining a budget that has little to no impact on supporting fire district budgets.
- Continue our efforts to retain quality employees.