We appreciate you!
10/15/24 - Moving Up the Ladder
Chief Miller congratulated Firefighter McIntrye for sucessfully passing the final check-off on his Engineer Taskbook. He is now qualified as an Acting Engineer, which greatly increases our capacity and flexibility to keep staffing at adequate levels.
Thank you for your efforts!
10/15/24 - Our newest GFR Firefighter Academy Graduate
Chief Miller recognized Charlie Greenwald for her successful completion of the GFR Firefighter Academy. A-Shift is thrilled to add a hard working firefighter like Charlie to the crew, and they look forward to the future. Chief Miller also thanked Captain Modrell for taking on the role of HFD's Cadre Instructor and everyone involved in training and support of these accomplishments.
Congratulations Charlie!
09/17/24 - Paramedic Graduate
Chief Miller recognized Engineer Chris Sanchez for his efforts to graduate from Paramedic Course. He has dedicated countless hours this year to become another ALS provider for the district and serve our community. We are grateful to have firefighters like him!
08/20/24 - Firefighters Recognized
Chief Miller recognized Firefighters Carillo and Dunlap for successful completion of their Firefighter Skills Evaluaton and completion of their probationary year with HFD. Congratulations!
Chief Miller also recognized Firefighter Dunlap for being accepted into the next paramedic class.
07/16/24 - It's an Honor
Chief Miller announced two new members to our Honor Guard ranks, Firefighter Jacob McIntyre and Firefighter Louis Hawkins recently completed the Honor Guard Academy in Prescott and served in honoring the Granite Mountain 19 on the 11th anniversary of their passing.
Thank you for stepping up to fill this roll! Honor the fallen, honor the flag.
06/22/24 - Promotional Ceremony
A promotional ceremony was held to recognize Battalion Chief Josh Pond and Engineer Chris Sanchez. These promotions occurred a while back, but we wanted to ceremoniously recognize them and hold an event for their families, as well.
Congratulations on your promotion!
03/19/24 - Firefighters Recognized
Chief Miller recognized Firefighters Aguirre, Hawkins, and McIntyre for successful completion of their GFR 4th Quarter Probationary Firefighter Skills Evaluation and completion of their probationary year with HFD.
Your hard work has paid off. Congratulations!
02/20/24 - Apparatus Committee
Chief Miller recognized the Apparatus Committee for their efforts in building the Type 6 Engine and developing specifications for the Type 1 and 3 Engine purchases. The committee is led by Engineer Reed; members include Chief C. Pond, Captain Modrell, Captain Monreal, and Captain True. A new Type 1 Engine has been ordered, and personnel are excited for its arrival.
01/24/24 - Fire Chief's Performance Review
Tom Hancak, Chair of the Fire Board, was very complimentary in his description of Chief Miller’s performance, especially for his leadership. Chairperson Hanecak believes that Chief Miller supports his staff and the District and encourages everybody to grow and develop. Chairperson Hanecak would like to see this amazing performance continue.
Congratulations Chief on a job well done!